It has no originality, it’s not improving on anything, and if anything it made things worse with a more vanilla setting. The second game got a bit old by the end though. The first game was good because it was original, the second game was good (even if it overstayed its welcome a bit) because it kept incest and improved on the original formula. Great, another fetch-quest-athon but this time without any incest to make things interesting. Most of the issues are only apparent in the context of two of the best adult games ever made, which overshadows all the good shit going on. It needs more focus, but we’re barely 1/10th of the way through it. The characters in TGE are fun new archetypes that are already full of their own personality. The miniquests around town are fun, and it adds depth to the setting. The renders are fantastic and the general production quality is stellar. It made sense that the MC in Treasure of Nadia was running around the jungle selling native artifacts, that was in theme, but why is a detective finding and selling relics? Wouldn’t it make more sense for him to be looking around town for clues and getting paid for doing police work? But even with all those issues, it’s still a really good game. The Genesis Order is an uncomfortable combination of the two, where there is an large map and game area with lots of characters as well as plot without a clear conflict. ToN is infamous for the extremely stiff “sandbag” quality of their female animations. Lust Epidemic was a more open ended story, with no clear conflict from the beginning, but the characters and setting were all pretty visible and accessible from the beginning. They expanded the scope of the game, with nearly double the characters, but they kept the story focused enough so that everything did not seem unrelated and confusing. The theme was treasure hunters so the searching for and selling of artifacts made sense in context. The conflict in Treasure of Nadia was simple enough: there is a treasure. It lacks the focus and theme of ToN and the close character intimacy of LE. The Genesis Order is not as good as either of its NLT predecessors.

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